Can OMT assist in reducing Menstrual Pain?

Understanding Osteopathic Treatment for Menstrual Pain Menstrual pain, or dysmenorrhea, affects many women worldwide, significantly impacting their daily activities and quality of life. While there are various approaches to managing this pain, osteopathic treatment offers a holistic alternative that has gained attention for its effectiveness. In this post, we explore how osteopathic treatment can helpContinue reading “Can OMT assist in reducing Menstrual Pain?”

Biophysics and Osteopathy

The intersection of biophysics and osteopathic science offers a compelling framework for understanding the scientific basis behind osteopathic principles. Biophysics, the study of biological phenomena using physical methods and concepts, provides a quantitative foundation to explain how osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) influences the human body. Here are several ways in which biophysics potentially supports osteopathicContinue reading “Biophysics and Osteopathy”

Olfactory Nerve – Anatomy & Physiology

The olfactory nerve, the first cranial nerve (CN 1), plays a pivotal role in our sense of smell, adding depth and dimension to our sensory experiences. For osteopathic physicians, understanding the anatomy and function of the olfactory nerve is not only relevant to their broader medical knowledge but also holds implications for osteopathic practice. InContinue reading “Olfactory Nerve – Anatomy & Physiology”

Extracellular Matrix – The basics.

What is Extracellular matrix, why does it concern us and what can we do about the health of this extra cellular space (in a future post) Cells congregate (come together) to form structural and functional associations. These are called tissues. There are four basic tissues in the body, epithelium, connective tissue, muscle and nervous tissue.Continue reading “Extracellular Matrix – The basics.”