Methodology and Process; what to expect?

To find health should be the object of any Doctor. Anyone can find disease.

Andrew Taylor Still, Founder of Osteopathy

My Mission

Seeing progress is key session to session and if we are not seeing progress we always need to reassess and make sure we are going down the correct path. I have great experience with musculoskeletal injuries and when talking about injury or pain we need to first assess if there was a mechanism of injury. Once we narrow your history of injury or traumas chronologically we can create a map of where you are and where you want to be.

My History

As a lifelong athlete I have competed in a wide variety of sports and activities. Understanding the demands of playing a high level sport and the need to return to play I always do my best to assist in shortening the time to return for activity. Whether you are an athlete competing at a high level, working a laborious job or just wanting to play with your kids. We can work on a plan to suit your needs.

Treatment process

What to expect with my treatments. In clinic appointments, I do a full history and assessment. Assessing the body as a whole and then looking at what is potentially causing the issues. Using a variety of soft tissue techniques as other techniques such as Counterstrain or Muscle energy techniques, joint mobilizations etc to assist your body in the healing process.