Neck pain? Try this isometric routine to increase strength with minimal joint movement

Check my other post about a basic summary as to why isometric exercises are beneficial for rehabilitation and general strengthening. Exercise 1: Supine Neck Extension Isometric Hold Exercise 2: Supine Neck Flexion Isometric Hold Exercise 3: Side lying Neck Lateral Isometric Hold Exercise 4: Supine Neck Rotation Isometric Hold If you have chronic neck pain,Continue reading “Neck pain? Try this isometric routine to increase strength with minimal joint movement”

Isometrics, why you should do them.

In the world of rehabilitation theres a lot of different things you can do to better your body but sometimes it’s better to keep it simple. In such cases when people have facet joint inflammation or Osteoarthritic changes. Here are a few points as to why they are a great alternative to other forms ofContinue reading “Isometrics, why you should do them.”


Strain-Counterstrain: A Gentle Approach to Pain Relief and Enhanced Functionality Strain-Counterstrain, also known as Positional Release Therapy or Tender Point Therapy, is a therapeutic technique used by healthcare professionals to address pain and discomfort caused by muscle and joint strains. It focuses on identifying tender points within the body and applying gentle positioning techniques toContinue reading “Strain-Counterstrain”